BBO Consulting


Velocity is designed to improve your business’ profitability and enhance cash flow within 3 months.

Kevin Backhouse, BBO Consulting’s CEO uses his 2 decades of business and finance experience to identify opportunities for improvement and works with you and your team to ensure these opportunities are realised, resulting in improved cash flow and profitabilty. 

Velocity is not about grand theories, but about achieving short term, measurable improvements in your business that are sustainable.

We believe so strongly in this product, that we have included The Velocity Guarantee. This guarantee ensures your business gets a return on your investment, at no risk to your business.

You literally have nothing to lose. Contact us today for a free consultation and make your business fly!


What is Velocity?

Who is it for?

How does it work?

Velocity is designed to improve you cash flow and profitability within the 3 months of the contract. Whilst every customer has a tailor made plan, the following analyses and assessments are typically conducted across all of our Velocity customers.

  • Stock aging and stock turn analysis
  • Creditor terms analysis
  • Overall working capital analysis
  • Cost driver analysis
  • Break even sales analysis
  • Profitability analysis – category/product/business area
  • Du Pont analysis
  • Intensive discussions with customer’s executive team
  • Strategic analysis of current business (Porter’s Five Forces and PESTLE analysis)
  • Assessment of current business strategy
  • Assessment of sales and marketing plans, processes and execution

We analyse your existing inventory, debtors and creditors to identify opportunities for improvement and immediately unlock cash in your business.

This focuses on the efficiency of your business’ ability to turn sales into cash.


We analyse all your costs to determine what drives them and identify whether they are fixed or variable in nature. This process assists identifying cost savings for your business.

This process also provides insight into how costs are incurred at a business unit or product level.



Using your data we provide summarised profitability information at a customer, product or category level to assist in identifying where you might need to increase pricing, or potentially cut certain customers, products or categories to improve profitability. 

We use the data during our cost driver analysis to allocate the costs that directly influence these categories.


Based on our assessment of your business and industry we provide a strategic overview of where your business sits, and what can be done to re-position and re-focus your business to improve profitability. 

We work together with your executive team and use tools such as Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT and PESTEL analysis to assess your business’ strategy.


We analyse your data to identify those customers whose sales have decreased as these represent potential quick wins. 

We analyse your sales processes to identify where you are losing leads and where conversion is low. 

Finally we conduct high level marketing analysis to identify how you identify and interact with your potential clients.

Velocity Overview

  • Free introductory meeting: assessment whether BBO Consulting can add value to your business.
  • Preliminary information sharing: Key information is exchanged to evaluate potential areas of improvement.
  • Tailor-made approach: A customized plan is developed to align with your business goals and desired outcomes.
  • 3-month contract: A contract is signed for a 3-month period.
  • Business analysis: Kevin meets with you and your team to understand your business challenges and analyze your financial and operational data.
  • Data interpretation: Financial data is presented in an easy-to-understand format, guiding better decision-making and profitability.
  • Action plan creation: Detailed strategies are developed with your management team to drive improvements.
  • Monthly feedback: Regular meetings are held to track progress and ensure the action plan is working.
  • Final report: A final board-level report is presented at the end of the 3 months, including outstanding tasks.

Velocity is designed to improve your business’ profitability, performance and cash flow within a period of 3 months. Your investment in Velocity is R250,000 + VAT, payable over 3 months.  Kevin is passionate about adding value to business, and feels so strongly in the Velocity product that he has introduced the Explicit Results guarantee that is at the core of The Velocity Guarantee.

This means your R250,000 + VAT investment is basically risk free.

At the end of the contract, BBO Consulting will present the details of all the savings and improvements actioned. If the total of these savings and improvements are less than your investment in Velocity, the difference will be refunded back to you. (E.g. if the total savings and improvements achieved are R200,000; and the investment was R250,000; you will receive aa refund of R50,000.

Contact us today for a free consultation and make your business fly!